I’m voting pro ho this election.
For months, weird Donny has been calling Kamala Harris a “ho.” He has made claims that she will be “the play thing” of world leaders if elected and saying she used sex to work her way to the top Cult 45 loves these misogynist insults so much that vendors can not make “No ‘ho’” t-shirts fast enough. It’s disgusting but very on-brand for this hate-based mob.
Weird Donny is using insults about sex and gender because its how he and his cult followers view women. Women are supposed to be “upright” and “respectable” and feel shame about having any desire for their own well-being, let alone sexuality. To cult 45, women are expected to accept sexual assault and rape as just part of being women. So to shame a woman they don’t like, of course they call her a ‘ho.’
Here’s the thing…I (and others) are basically single issue voters when it comes to sexual freedom. I will vote for the candidate who supports everyone’s right to sexual freedom and safety because it encompasses the issues most important to me.
To have true sexual freedom requires:
- Bodily autonomy for all
- Being pro LGBTQ+
- Being pro medically accurate and through sex education in schools
- Being pro choice
- Being pro sex workers
- Being pro consent culture
- Being pro labor rights
- Being anti-racists
- Decolonizing our curriculums and institutions
The term “sex positive” is what journalist use to define those of us who are pro ho. However, major outlets like the New York Times and Washington Post have dumbed this down and distorted it to me “pro many sex partners.” That is so reductive and wrong it deserves a face plam.
Sex positive is really about being okay with every individual deciding what is right for them and their body. This means a person who is a cis-gendered heterosexual who decides to wait for marriage to have penetrative sex is supported if this is truly what they want for themselves. It also means supporting the genderqueer sex worker using their income for gender affirmative treatments and legal protections against assault and harm on a job which has been decriminalized.
To achieve this, we as a society would have to massively change. It would require consent-based education from the early grades. It would mean providing our teens with medically accurate and comprehensive sex ed (including stuff about queer kids) so that they could make the best choices for their own bodies.
This would mean giving all people access to abortions as they needed them. It means supporting fertility treatments. It means supporting gender affirming care. It means addressing the racism and fatphobia which so permeates our healthcare system we kill thousands of people a year because their bodies don’t conform to what the predominant society is comfortable with.
This means supporting living wages and labor unions. One of the major reasons people stay in abusive situations is that they cannot access affordable housing. Empowering people to leave intimate relationships which harm them is part of being pro ho. It would also mean that people who turn to survival sex work but don’t want to would not have too because there are other options to support themselves.
It means decriminalizing sex work and protecting our sex workers. For those who pursue this work, we need to make sure there are labor protections and standards. Sex workers should be able to pay into the SSI/SSDI fund and access it as needed. It means creating a way to clear criminal records for solicitation. It means taking steps to ensure we end sex trafficking and that politicians know the difference between sex trafficking and consensual sex work before passing legislation.
It means supporting our LGBTQ+ community with legal protections against workplace, housing, and other discrimination. It means allowing our books to be in libraries and accessible by folks who want to read them. It means supporting GSA groups in schools and allowing folks to use whichever bathroom works for them.
It means making sure people have access to healthcare, including STI testing and treatment. It means adding questions about PReP and prescribing it to anyone who needs it (and can safely take it) without judgement.
It means sending a clear and overwhelming message that we will not tolerate Cult 45 or any of their candidates in any office.
We are down to the final days before the election. Anyone who values the ability to chose what is right for themselves and create a world where others can chose what is right for them need to vote Harris/Waltz.
Get to the polls!