Ok, so for all of you unfamiliar with the HUMP Festival, here is the down low:
Its an amateur porn festival sponsored by The Stranger in Seattle, WA and hosted this year by Dan Savage.
There are three major categories: Best Sex, Best Kink, and Best Humor. All movies can go up for the forth category: Best in Show. Films are limited to 5 minutes. They are shown at three screenings and people vote. Winners get $$$$ and better yet, their movies get shown all over on the HUMP Tour!!
I want to send love out to all the people involved in this project. Foremost I send love to my two stars. These guys were troupers for me and are really, really, really brave!!! To my voice over guy, Stones McCoy, you rock dude! To Chuck Schubert and Cash Cartell, love your music and so happy to have you in on this project! I think you are all amazingly awesome and talented people!!!
To anyone going to the HUMP Festival showings in Seattle, WA; Olympia, WA; Portland, OR — VOTE FOR THIS FILM!
I created a film for this year in the comedy category. The link to it appears below. THIS IS XXX PORN. NSFW!!!!
When you click on the image below, you will need to enter your DOB to prove you are over 18 since this film is rated X.
“FDA Approved”
Running Time: 4:30
Written, Directed, and Filmed by: Rebecca E. Blanton
Staring: Mellon Collie and Phil McRatch
Voice Over: Stones McCoy
Music: “Something Going On” written by Chuck Schubert and performed by Cash Cartell, harmonica John Lowrey
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