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Essential Safety Gear for Kinky Play

Updated: Aug 22, 2022

Most people who teach kink and BDSM play classes will mention having the appropriate safety equipment around in case of emergency. However, not everyone mentions what should be included in your basic kinky first aid kit.

Never fear! Auntie Vice is here! This post will provide you with a checklist and links to where to buy various kinky safety gear. Honestly, most of it can be purchased at your local drug store, so I have created a downloadable shopping list:

Kinky First Aide Kit

  1. Nitrile Gloves (I prefer these to latex since some folks will have latex allergies)

  2. Benadryl (tablets and cream)

  3. Aspercream or other topical analgesic

  4. Ice pack or chemical ice pack

  5. Poison Control Number (800) 222-1222

You can keep all of this in a cute little box or simply put the items in a gallon sized ziploc bag.

Prepackaged Kits

First Responder’s First Aid Kit $92. (This kit has all the items above except Benadryl and Tylenol)

M2 Basic Emergency Kit $32 (You will need to add Benadryl, Aspirin, Nail Clippers and File, and an Ice Pack to this one)

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