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Sexual Fantasy Research

Updated: Aug 22, 2022

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We don’t tend to talk about sexual fantasies with many people. Too many of us carry shame around the things we know turn us on. This means many of us don’t look for ways to express our desires in a healthy way. For many kinky folks, turing to BDSM is a great way to begin to explore these previously private fantasies.

In the past two decades, there has been an increasing amount of academic inquiry to the way we develop fantasies, how they shape our sex lives, and how people suppress or express their desires.

Galen Fous is an kink-positive educator and researcher, He is looking into how we create our internal fantasy world. He is looking for people to participate in this online, anonymous study to help him gather information about what shapes your fantasy world and how you feel about it.

This study has been reveiwed by an Institutional Review Board (formal academic group which helps ensure that no abuse, misuse, or harm comes to participants). It is anonymous. Information like your name, email, or other identifying data will be collected or requested.

Wider society tells many of us what we want in our sex lives is “wrong” or “immoral” or “against god.” Understanding what more people want from their sex lives will help give us a way to say “I’m not weird or alone in my desire,” and “Healtlhy sexuality is a human right.”

I’ve filled out the survey. Please consider joining me!


Full disclosure: I was not paid for this post. I offered Galen Fous space on this blog because I believe this scholarly work is important. I do not receive any payments for people who click on the above link.

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