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Kinky Resistance

Writer's picture: Rebecca BlantonRebecca Blanton

Updated: Aug 23, 2022

Let’s talk about the idea of “religious freedom” and why it is absolutely imperative for all of us to be as queer and kinky as possible.

Someone inside the current Putin/Bannon administration “leaked” the “religious freedom protection” document today. This document outlines the plans for stripping rights from millions of Americans. [I enclosed leaked in quotes because I think this is more of a trial balloon than an actual leak.] The wording released for the upcoming Executive Order would allow all “closely held public and private companies” to refuse to follow federal laws around serving LGBTQ folks, from providing access to health care which includes birth control in its plans, allows federal agencies to deny (under a lot of conditions) benefits to LGBTQ folks, and allows doctors to refuse to treat someone if their “closely held moral opinions” go against what the person needs.

So, to translate, under the EO (if it is issued and signed as is, which is likely) your doctor could decide that you as a person having sex outside of a sanctioned heterosexual marriage does not deserve medical treatment. Or, as it has been laid out, federal government agencies could deny you and your queer spouse access to low-income housing or health care that receives government subsidies. Your employer could just fire you if he finds out you are polyamorous or enjoy getting it on in a local dungeon.

The goal of all of this discrimination being unleashed is that us queer and kinky folk will go running back into the depths of our closets and stop making those nice heteronormative “christians” uncomfortable by having to treat us with a modicum of respect. The idea is that somehow making our lives horrible will force us to blend in, wear poorly fitting khaki pants and poly blend polo shirts with Wal-Mart shoes, eat at Applebees and refrain from sex until marriage. BARF!


I can no more turn into a heterosexual in a monogamous, vanilla marriage than I can choose to become a fish.


Most of us couldn’t do that if we tried. I think my body would revolt if I even tried to put on a pair of Dockers and walk into an Olive Garden. My gender and sexuality are key to who I am. Gender and sexuality are key to who most people are. I can no more turn into a heterosexual in a monogamous, vanilla marriage that I can choose to become a fish. When we force people to try and be who they are not, it leads to depression, self-hatred, violence toward self and others, and physical illness. Doubt that? Look at the suicide numbers for every LGBTQ group.

So faced with people weilding poorly written policy documents and armed with fear what are we to do. We need to get as loud and as freaky as we can. All the time. In every setting. Don’t just fly your rainbow flag on gay pride. Turn that sucker into a well-draped dress and parade around at the local movie theater. Strap on that leather chest harness and grab a bite at In-and-Out with your polycule.

The LGBTQ movement tried to get rights for the “acceptable homosexuals” first and then slowly extend them to the rest of us. The thing is, the people trying to force us to go away never liked the nice homosexuals. They only tolerated them. They swallowed their disdain until they could go into a voting booth, use it to hide their identity like a Klan hood does, and vote for a person who wants to destroy us.

You, as a kinky, queer, non-binary, poly person (or whatever combination you are), are not going to be liked by the people trying to destroy us. The nice homosexuals will probably get offers of some level of rights protection as long as, you know, we are celibate and agree to dress horribly and eat a lot of mayo. That does nothing to protect any of us.

When it comes down to it, these fear-driven bigots are like any other bully or, for that matter, a bear (a cis-bear, not my lovely gay guys). We can scare them and make them back down if we get big and loud. The bigger, queer-er, kinkier we can get in front of them, the more likely they are to pee down both legs while retreating.

Yes, it is scary to face a bully (or a bear) and inflate yourself and read them for filth while showering them in glitter and snapping a single-tail. But, that momentary fear and release of energy is so much easier than the energy it takes to blend in, deny who you are, and live under the illusion you are “acceptable.”

Go forth and be fabulously weird!

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